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by disinfoniacs #69 & #1
Simplex (think "simple") refers to the direct communication between two amateur stations on the same frequency. This method of communication is straightforward, and no repeater is needed as both stations can communicate directly with each other. Designated simplex channels are present in the VHF and UHF band plans to allow stations within mutual communication range to communicate without taking up a repeater.
Remember, a band plan serves as a voluntary guideline for using different modes or activities within a given amateur band. It outlines how different frequencies within the band should be used to prevent interference, and provides information such as the national calling frequency for FM simplex operations in the 2-meter band, which is 146.520 MHz.
When two stations transmitting on the same frequency cause interference, common courtesy should dictate the outcome. However, no amateur operator has an absolute right to a specific frequency. As Ham Radio operators, it is our collective responsibility to maintain respectful behavior on our airwaves.
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